Do I Need Therapy?
If you're reading up on it, chances are you may benefit from it. Therapy can come in all forms and needing it/wanting it doesn't make you any less "normal". It can be a helpful tool if you need little extra support at the moment, or you have been struggling with a big issue.

How Much Does Therapy Cost?
My price is consistent with the going rate for the city in which you reside. Please feel free to discuss with me for more details.

Does Insurance Pay for Therapy?
Although I do not accept insurance directly, I can provide all paperwork for reimbursement if you have an out-of-network plan.

How Often Do We Meet?
At the start of therapy, I like to meet weekly. I will always base frequency on your needs, whether this means twice a week, one a week, every other week, or once a month.

What if I Need to Cancel or Reschedule?
Not a problem -- life happens!

How Long Will Therapy Take?
This can vary based on the individual. When someone comes in with a very goal-oriented singular problem, then brief treatment can be helpful -- around 12 sessions or less. Typically though, the issues we struggle with are more intertwined in our lives and can call for longer-term therapy to sort them out and learn about ourselves. The exact time frame will vary from person to person.

How Will Therapy Help Me and My Family?
Often times conflicts arise and each family member blames the other without looking at their own role. By working with me, I will help you to communicate more effectively and understand yourselves in order to better manage issues in a healthy way.

How Do I Select A Therapist?
Therapy is all about the right fit. Sometimes that can take some trial and error. Each therapist has their own style and it's important to find one who feels right for you. I am very hands on and interactive in my treatment. I am happy to meet with you and discuss your needs to help you better make this decision.

What if I Left Therapy and Want To Return?
I'll be here waiting! Needs change over time. The most important piece is commitment for the time you are in treatment, but you can need or not need therapy in different times in your life. I will encourage you to step away from therapy if you are in a healthy space and I will always be here if you want/need to return at a later time.

How Do I Get Started?
Contact me at sarahleetherapy@gmail.com and we'll set up a time to chat about your needs and if this is the right fit for you!